Sisters Natalie, 32 and Lyndsay Ashley, 24, gave birth in the same hospital just a few hours apart on October 11.
Natalie introduced daughter, Isla into the world at 11.27am and little sister, Lyndsay then welcomed baby Jack into the world at 5.54pm later that day.
Natalie said: “Lyndsay told me she was pregnant and I had just discovered I was pregnant the day before.
Lyndsay had been given the due date of October 14 and Natalie was originally given a due date of October 18, but this was changed to a Caesarean section on October 11.

However, Lyndsay went into labour on the same day as her sister’s planned Caesarean took place – meaning they gave birth to babies Isla and Jack just hours apart.
Natalie said: “The nurses couldn’t believe we were both sisters having babies at the same time.

“Because we were in the same hospital I was able to go and give Lyndsay a kiss and a cuddle.
“They managed to get us a room next door to each other.”
Third sister Stephanie Ashley, 29, a care worker, took care of Natalie’s children so partner Scott McCabe, 36, an electrician, could be by her side.
Lyndsay’s partner Leigh Cocker, 29, an accountant, was also on hand to welcome the little cousins in to the world.
Natalie says: “We are a close family and so we will be going to the same baby groups and doing lots of things together.”