Family’s new cat freaks out during fireworks, stays hidden in chimney for 12 hours
Buttons was very anxious when he arrived at his new home after being adopted. His feeling of insecurity was heightened when he heard fireworks outside. Terrified by the noise, he took refuge in the family fireplace and did not move. A rescue agent had to intervene.

A kitten adopted by a family in Gosforth ( UK ) spent 12 hours in a chimney, Chronicle Live reported . He had been frightened by fireworks and his owners were unable to get him back. They asked the RSPCA for help , an animal rescue association.
Buttons ‘ start in his new home was rocky. The newly adopted kitten was going to spend happy days with his loving humans, but before that, it was time to adapt. He first had to understand his new environment to feel confident.
Fireworks terrorize many animals
Unfortunately, as soon as he arrived, Buttons had to face an ordeal, and not the least. The day after his adoption, the kitten was startled by loud noises coming from outside. It was a fireworks display organized by the city. These shows are often the dread of our furballs. Which are frightened by the noise, not being able to locate its source.
Hearing this commotion, Buttons panicked and jumped into the chimney of the family home. He lay on a platform more than a meter high, making him difficult to reach. His humans tried to coax him with food to bring him down, but nothing worked.
External help
Despite their determination, the feline’s owners were forced to call the RSPCA for assistance. Detective Rachel Hurst had to try twice before she managed to catch Buttons . Very stressed, the latter did not let himself be carried away. Finally, the rescuer was able to get him out of his hiding place safe and sound. He will have spent 12 hours inside.
Rachel Hurst says fireworks are a big problem for animals: ” Even though he’s a nervous cat by nature, this shows the effects fireworks can have on pets ” a- she expressed. Many associations join it and ask the competent authorities to explore the different alternatives to these shows.